Tara and Gavin had spent a couple of years planning their wedding as they wanted everything to be just perfect! This included spending many hours planning the styling of their reception room and also creating many elements themselves such as the guest gift glasses which were hand-painted by Tara. Gavin made the wishing well which they will now have as a feature in their garden!
Tara and Gavin were joined by friends and family from afar including Tara’s relatives over from Ireland which made the day all the more special.
Their ceremony was held at Gavin’s favourite church and then afterwards enroute to the Sandhurst Club we stopped to take photos of all the cars which had been kindly provided by friends! We took most of the photos at the golf course as it has many different areas for photos but on a reccie we loved the area with the old tree which also provided some great shade as it had been a warm day. We also had to take some photos at one of the open spaces to get the course in the background!
Tara and Gavin were determined that everyone should have a fantastic time at their reception and we don’t think we saw the dance floor empty at any point thanks to some great music from one of their friends on the guitar and another on the decks! Everyone gave a beautiful speech especially Tara’s Dad who had the guests in tears from both his heartfelt speech and equally his cheeky Irish humour!
All too soon it was time for the bouquet and garter which was done a little differently with both items being thrown at the same time! After some hugs and goodbyes Tara and Gavin headed home to get some rest before joining up with Tara’s overseas relatives the next day!